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This Gallery contains artwork created by our members during the Coronavirus outbreak. While we're all staying at home and practicing social distancing, we have been creating great art!

Members, login first, then please upload images of the artwork you have created while staying at home. Try to keep the image size small (less than 1 MB). It would help if you named your file like this: "Lastname_Firstinitial title.jpg" (or .jpeg, .gif, .png, or .tif),
such as "Pini_J Pink Field.jpg". Once you have added an image, click on the image and then on the Add Caption button to add more information.

Quarantine Gallery 2020

<< All album photos 17/20 photos
Jeennie Nickolls
Porcelain clay
soap dish
thrown on wheel/altered
Blue 56B Glaze
Quarantine firing
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